
Sunday Jun 30, 2019
The Purge - PoT #156
Sunday Jun 30, 2019
Sunday Jun 30, 2019
Next week: Behind the Mask with Anthony Raus

Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
The Sound of Space Music, Black Hole Pics, and Chestnut Ridge - Alien Invasion #259
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Music for Space, Scientists attempt to photograph a black hole, and a cigar shaped UFO in Rhode Island.
The Question
If there are indeed planets with life, do you think those beings worry about UFOs or conspiracy theories regarding the government covering up signs of extraterrestrial life? (I guess what I am asking is… are aliens as paranoid as humans?)
The UFO community still believes — and science is starting to listen
Music has long been known to affect people's mood. A certain tune can lift you up or bring you to tears, make you focus, relax or even run faster. Now a study is investigating how the power of music may improve human performance in one of the most stressful and alien environments we know – space.
Music can help release a cocktail of hormones that have a positive effect on us: oxytocin, endorphin, serotonin and dopamine. Besides the pleasure we get from it, music can be used to prolong efficiency and reduce anxiety.
Stress factors in space can lead to disrupted sleep, impaired time perception and spatial orientation.
"Space appeared to me as the perfect testing ground to use anti-stress music," says violin teacher Luis Luque Álvarez, whose 'Music for space' project puts the psycho-physiological research of music at the service of space exploration.
Story was written by the ESA at http://www.esa.int/ESA
More here: https://phys.org/news/2019-04-music-space.html
The Event Horizon Telescope is Trying to Take the First-Ever Photo of a Black Hole
Astronomers orchestrated radio dish telescopes across the world into an Earth-size virtual camera for a bold new experiment attempting to deliver the first-ever image of a black hole. The telescope collaboration is set to make a big announcement of results this week, and members also described their research approach at a talk in March.
The astronomers' idea is to photograph the circular opaque silhouette of a black hole cast on a bright background. The shadow's edge is the event horizon, a black hole's point of no return. A picture is worth a thousand words, and a photograph of a black hole would be an important tool for understanding astrophysics, cosmology and the role of black holes in the universe.
Story was written by Doris Elin Salazar at https://www.space.com/
More here: https://www.space.com/event-horizon-telescope-is-trying-to-photograph-black-holes.html
I saw what seemed to be a cigar shaped object glowing brightly zoom across my home then fly across the sky again.
Just moved into our new home. I have noticed a ton of low flying military helicopters flying over our home at all hours of the day into the night. At least 3-4 times a week. I am fully aware there is a Military base in Coventry, RI, so I accepted the fact that they are doing drills of some sort.
More here: http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/145/S145377.html
Picks and Warnings
Invasion at Chestnut Ridge - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7183826/
Leave us feedback by calling our voicemail number at (805) 328-3966 or e-mail aliens@gncasts.com
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More episodes can be found at https://gncasts.com/category/thealieninvasion/
Please consider becoming a partner with us by going to https://gncasts.com/support
Opening theme – Alien Syndrome by Monkey Warhol https://soundcloud.com/monkeywarhol/alien-syndrome
Closing theme – Be Water by Rettward von Doernberg https://thecaravel.net
Between Segment Audio – Lunar Orbit by Monkey Warhol
Disclaimer audio recorded by Ben Olson – http://www.benolson.com
Featured image - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Catherine_Coleman_with_flutes_floating_in_space.jpg
Attribution - NASA [Public domain]

Monday Jun 24, 2019
The Truth, A Change of Plan, and a Twofer - Alien Invasion #258
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
The scientific community is opening up to extraterrestrials, the first all women space walk is called off, a couple of UFO sightings from Connecticut, and a review of Love, Death & Robots: Helping Hand.
The Question
How do you think, the aliens we may eventually meet, will perceive time?
The UFO community still believes — and science is starting to listen
ORLANDO, Fla. — He appeared as if a hologram at first — then solid — suddenly there and clear as you or I, at the edge of the forest behind Trish Bishop’s home in Kissimmee.
It was a Thursday in March 2013, the glow of the afternoon tucking in for the day behind the trees. He stood tall, at least 6-foot-3, perhaps 220 pounds and certainly muscular, wearing a formfitting tan colored uniform, boots, and gloves. He lingered by the crape myrtle tree in the middle of the backyard.
Story was written by Chabeli Herrera at https://www.inquirer.com/
Astronauts Won’t Make the 1st All Female Spacewalk After All, NASA Says
The first all-female spacewalk in history won't be happening this week after all due to a last-minute crew swap, NASA announced today (March 25).
NASA had planned to send astronauts Anne McClain and Christina Koch on what would have been the first-ever all-female spacewalk this Friday (March 29), but International Space Station mission managers have "decided to adjust the assignments, due in part to spacesuit availability on the station," agency officials said in a statement.
While Koch is still on the schedule to take her first spacewalk on Friday, McClain will stay inside the orbiting lab this time. NASA astronaut Nick Hague will take her place.
Story was written by Hanneke Weitering at https://www.space.com/
More here: https://www.space.com/no-all-female-spacewalk-nasa-says.html
We’re going to share 2 of the 10 UFO sightings featured in a post from the Connecticut Post.
Story was written by Jim Shay at https://www.ctpost.com/
More here: https://www.ctpost.com/local/article/Latest-UFO-sightings-reported-in-CT-in-2019-13705550.php
Picks and Warnings
Love Death & Robots: Helping Hand - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9788504/
Leave us feedback by calling our voicemail number at (805) 328-3966 or e-mail aliens@gncasts.com
Subscribe to this podcast by clicking https://gncasts.com/subscribe-alien-invasion/
More episodes can be found at https://gncasts.com/category/thealieninvasion/
Please consider becoming a partner with us by going to https://gncasts.com/support
Opening theme – Alien Syndrome by Monkey Warhol https://soundcloud.com/monkeywarhol/alien-syndrome
Closing theme – Be Water by Rettward von Doernberg https://thecaravel.net
Between Segment Audio – Lunar Orbit by Monkey Warhol
Disclaimer audio recorded by Ben Olson – http://www.benolson.com

Sunday Jun 23, 2019
Kill List - Podcast of Terror #155
Sunday Jun 23, 2019
Sunday Jun 23, 2019
Matt has no idea what happened here. Next week: The Purge

Saturday Jun 22, 2019
Space Herpes, Exoplanets, and The Orville - Alien Invasion #257
Saturday Jun 22, 2019
Saturday Jun 22, 2019
NASA gives us interesting news on herpes in astronauts, 4,001 Exoplanets have been cataloged with more on the way, have aliens found interest in our stem cell research, and a review of the two part The Orville episode called Identity.
The Question
How do you think, the aliens we may eventually meet, will perceive time?
There's Something About Space That's Triggering Herpes in Astronauts
Tests show that dormant herpes viruses reactivate in more than half the astronauts who travel on the Space Shuttle and International Space station, according to new NASA research - a phenomenon the space agency says could pose problems for deep space missions.
"During spaceflight there is a rise in secretion of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which are known to suppress the immune system, " said study author Satish Mehta, a researcher at Johnson Space Center, in a press release.
Story was written by Jon Christian at https://www.sciencealert.com/
Woot! 4,001 exoplanets and counting
The Exoplanet Team, led by the Observatoire de Paris, announced this week that the list of known exoplanets – planets orbiting distant stars – has grown to 4,001!
The discovery of two new exoplanets brought the tally to the 4,000 mark. The newly found planets both orbit around the multiple star system labeled EPIC 203868608, at a distance of 499 light-years from Earth, in the direction of the constellation Scorpius the Scorpion.
Story was written by Eddie Irizarry at https://earthsky.org/
More here: https://earthsky.org/space/exoplanet-team-4001-exoplanets-mar-12-2019
I am writing to you with respect to the above subject which occurred on February 24, 2019 at or around 1500 taking place over the Stem cell Technology facility located in Vancouver, BC.
This unusual craft was brought to my attention by a person passing by. I observed this craft with other witnesses. I captured this on my tablet but it’s difficult to make out. It appeared to be metallic, circular in shape, no sound, it had what appeared to be white lights on the bottom of the craft that would illuminate the under airfoil – the lights looked like the large LED lights you see on the big screen TV in stadiums for say a hockey game, and it seemed to be moving incredibly slowly.
More here: http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/145/S145008.html
Picks and Warnings
The Orville - Season 2, Episodes 8 & 9 - (Identity Part 1 & 2) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7826068/
Listener Feedback
From Paolo: There is a new show on the Discovery Science channel titled "Alien encounters" which is rather captivating... (I watched it on the DMAX channel here in UK). It doesn't explain how aliens might expel gas but it surely posits a few hypotheses on different reasons for an extraterrestrial life to visit other worlds... Review?
Leave us feedback by calling our voicemail number at (805) 328-3966 or e-mail aliens@gncasts.com
Subscribe to this podcast by clicking https://gncasts.com/subscribe-alien-invasion/
More episodes can be found at https://gncasts.com/category/thealieninvasion/
Please consider becoming a partner with us by going to https://gncasts.com/support
Opening theme – Alien Syndrome by Monkey Warhol https://soundcloud.com/monkeywarhol/alien-syndrome
Closing theme – Be Water by Rettward von Doernberg https://thecaravel.net
Between Segment Audio – Lunar Orbit by Monkey Warhol
Disclaimer audio recorded by Ben Olson – http://www.benolson.com

Thursday Jun 20, 2019
NASA, The Orville, and Michigan - Alien Invasion #256
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
NASA passes a major milestone with the help of SpaceX, The Orville gets its own comic book that delves deeper into the the Universe Seth MacFarlane has created, and after 25 years a series of Michigan UFO sightings remain a mystery.
The Question
Do you think aliens have pets the same way humans do?
SpaceX Crew Dragon Splashdown Marks Success of First NASA Commercial Crew Flight Test
NASA passed a major milestone Friday, March 8 in its goal to restore America’s human spaceflight capability when SpaceX’s Crew Dragon returned to Earth after a five-day mission docked to the International Space Station.
About 6 hours after departing the space station, Crew Dragon splashed down at 8:45 a.m. EST approximately 230 miles off the coast of Cape Canaveral, Florida. SpaceX retrieved the spacecraft from the Atlantic Ocean and is transporting it back to port on the company’s recovery ship.
Story was written by NASA https://www.nasa.gov/
By Avis, The Orville Is Getting Its Own Comic Book
With The Orville’s very fun second season currently airing on Fox, Seth MacFarlane’s sci-fi series now has another treat waiting for fans that’ll take the cast to yet another new frontier: the pages of a comic book.
According to a Dark Horse press release, The Orville Season 1.5: New Beginnings—from show exec producer and writer David A. Goodman, artist David Cabeza, and colorist Michael Atiyeh—will span two double issues that will read like episodes of the show that take place between the first and second seasons. Here’s the official descriptions:
The first of these “episodes” starts with The Orville #1: New Beginnings Part 1(of two). On their way to a fleet conference, Ed and Gordon investigate a distress signal from a century-old buoy belonging to a Union ship. Back on the Orville, Kelly tries to mediate when Bortus insists on enrolling Topa into school despite him being only a few months old.
Story was written by Cheryl Eddy at Gizmodo
More here: https://io9.gizmodo.com/by-avis-the-orville-is-getting-its-own-comic-book-1833140121
Dean “Vern” Garner has kept a secret for 20 years. He thinks about it often, but hardly speaks about it because he has no proof.
The eerie lights filled the sky along nearly 200 miles of Lake Michigan shoreline.
On March 8, 1994, calls flooded 911 to report strange sightings in the night sky. The reports came in from all walks of life — from police and a meteorologist to residents of Michigan's many beach resorts. Hundreds of people witnessed what many insisted were UFOs — unidentified flying objects.
Cindy Pravda, 63, of Grand Haven remembers that night in vivid detail — four lights in the sky that looked like "full moons" over the line of trees behind her horse pasture.
Story was written by Dejany Booth at https://www.freep.com/
More here: https://www.freep.com/story/news/nation/2019/03/09/lake-michigan-ufo-sightings/3116132002/
Picks and Warnings
Supernatural: Season 2 Ep. 15 - Tall Tales https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0939444/
Listener Feedback
Hi, this is Jacob. I know you guys are the alien guys. I believe. I just wanted to say I do not have the fighting, but I would like to say to mention the a show on History Channel. It's called Ancient Aliens. It has a lot of your guys's stuff to it. Thanks. Bye.
From Paolo via YouTube: yay, Anessa is back! there's a new UFO movie with Gillian Anderson, have you checked it out? it's another of them where they beam down to us the prime numbers but I guess there isn't much political issues to discuss at the moment with the govt shutdown happening...
Leave us feedback by calling our voicemail number at (805) 328-3966 or e-mail aliens@gncasts.com
Subscribe to this podcast by clicking https://gncasts.com/subscribe-alien-invasion/
More episodes can be found at https://gncasts.com/category/thealieninvasion/
Please consider becoming a partner with us by going to https://gncasts.com/support
Opening theme – Alien Syndrome by Monkey Warhol https://soundcloud.com/monkeywarhol/alien-syndrome
Closing theme – Be Water by Rettward von Doernberg https://thecaravel.net
Between Segment Audio – Lunar Orbit by Monkey Warhol
Disclaimer audio recorded by Ben Olson – http://www.benolson.com

Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
CPAP Alien and Alien DNA - Alien Invasion #255
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Have you ever wanted to know what it was like to have a xenomorph Facehugger wrapped around your head? Do you have sleep apnea? Find out how you can experience being smothered while still being able to breathe. New letter added to the alphabet? Well, the genetic code alphabet, at least. Could this be the key to understanding alien life? A UFO sighting in New Lambton Heights. Finally, Anessa and Brad review the Natalie Portman led sci-fi film, Annihilation.
The Question
Do you think aliens pass gas? and if so, is it the same way humans do?
Sci-Fi Author Turns Sleep Apnea Mask Into Alien Facehugger And It Works
Sci-fi author Jared Gray has turned his sleep apnea mask into a facehugger from Alien. When penning the script for Alien – which was originally titled Star Beast - co-writers Dan O’Bannon and Ronald Shusett struggled to come with an interesting way for the titular monster to get onboard the spaceship. The solution came to Shusett suddenly that a crew member should be implanted by an alien creature, and when they’re brought back to the ship, that seed would explode out of them.
Story was written by Padraig Cotter at screenrant.com
More here: https://screenrant.com/alien-facehugger-sleep-apnea-mask/
Eight-letter genetic code hints at how alien life might evolve
Researchers have created an ‘alien’ genetic code made out of eight bases instead of the usual four. The expanded genetic alphabet shows how life could arise if organisms never evolved proteins but instead relied on RNA as their biomolecular workhorse.
Life on Earth is built around proteins: they catalyse biochemical reactions and provide cellular structural elements. DNA, on the other hand, acts as biological information storage unit, while RNA provides a link between the two.
But an expanded genetic code created by Steven Benner from Firebird Biomolecular Sciences, US, and his team of xenobiologists shows that this template for life might not be the only feasible one. Their eight-letter DNA has additional functionality and translates into RNA that behaves more like a protein, making life without them a possibility.
Story was written by Katrina Krämer at chemistryworld.com
Dean "Vern" Garner has kept a secret for 20 years. He thinks about it often, but hardly speaks about it because he has no proof.
The memory came back vividly recently when he was throwing out old newspapers kept for painting. One fell on the floor.
It contained a story, published in this column in November 2017, about Geoff and Maree Masters. Dean hadn't come across the story until then.
Picks and Warnings
Annihilation https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2798920/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
Leave us feedback by calling our voicemail number at (805) 328-3966 or e-mail aliens@gncasts.com
Subscribe to this podcast by clicking https://gncasts.com/subscribe-alien-invasion/
More episodes can be found at https://gncasts.com/category/thealieninvasion/
Please consider becoming a partner with us by going to https://gncasts.com/support
Opening theme – Alien Syndrome by Monkey Warhol https://soundcloud.com/monkeywarhol/alien-syndrome
Closing theme – Be Water by Rettward von Doernberg https://thecaravel.net
Between Segment Audio - Lunar Orbit by Monkey Warhol
Disclaimer audio recorded by Ben Olson – http://www.benolson.com

Monday Jun 17, 2019
Curse of La Llorona - PoT #154
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Monday Jun 17, 2019
This movie is not good....
Next week: Kill List

Monday Jun 10, 2019
Shed of the Dead - PoT #153
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Monday Jun 10, 2019
This one was a big painful to get through...Sorry Kane Hodder....
Next week: The Curse of La Llorna

Sunday May 26, 2019
Sleepaway Camp - PoT #152
Sunday May 26, 2019
Sunday May 26, 2019
OH SNAP! We're back(ish). We're talking about 1983's Sleepaway Camp and food....Shocker, I know!