
Monday Jan 08, 2018

Friday Jan 05, 2018
Secret government UFO program revealed - Alien Invasion #233
Friday Jan 05, 2018
Friday Jan 05, 2018
On this special episode of The Alien Invasion podcast, Dave and Brad cover the recent revelation that the U.S. government ran a secret UFO investigation program in the mid to late 2000’s. They'll also have a sighting, along with their picks and warnings too!
Do you think santa claus is an alien, and if you do, what’s your evidence?
The Pentagon confirmed on December 16th that it had a s secret UFO investigation program, but it was ended in 2012. https://globalnews.ca/news/3921160/pentagon-ufo-program-closed/
A former Pentagon official who led a recently revealed government program to research potential UFOs says he believes there is evidence of alien life reaching Earth. http://cnn.it/2BvkyZy
Navy pilot recalls encounter with UFO: 'I think it was not from this world' http://abcnews.go.com/US/navy-pilot-recalls-encounter-ufo-unlike/story?id=51856514
Dantro: The Planet Man https://archive.org/details/OTRR_Planet_Man_Ver2_Singles
Omega - Alien Invasion Short Film https://youtu.be/u4hVm5x4XDo
Leave us feedback by calling our voicemail number at (805) 328-3966 or e-mail aliens@gncasts.com
Subscribe to this podcast by clicking HERE
More episodes can be found at THIS link
Please consider becoming a partner with us by going to http://gncasts.com/support
Opening theme - Alien Syndrome by Monkey Warhol https://soundcloud.com/monkeywarhol/alien-syndrome
Closing theme - Be Water by Rettward von Doernberg https://thecaravel.net
Disclaimer audio recorded by Ben Olson - http://www.benolson.com/

Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Twice Upon a Time - WNAR #117
Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Darryl Johnston is back with a review of the Christmas special - twice upon a time.
Links and further information about this review can be found http://www.doctorwhopodcast.xyz/who-new/13thdoctor
Follow Darryl on Twitter http://twitter.com/WNAR_podcast and check out http://www.doctorwhopodcast.xyz/
Leave us feedback by calling our voicemail number at (805) 328-3966 e-mailing at tardis@gncasts.com or, send an audio message by clicking https://www.speakpipe.com/GalacticNetcasts
Subscribe to this podcast at http://gncasts.com/subscribe-to-the-who-new-and-reviews-podcast/
Please consider helping us pay for our monthly operating costs by clicking http://gncasts.com/support. It will take you to the support page which has links to our Patreon campaign, where you can make a recurring monthly pledge. You'll also find our affiliate link to use the next time you shop on Amazon, which gives us a small percentage from the sale of everything that you buy.
If you would like to sign up for the Galactic Network monthly newsletter and join the our Slack Team, to chat with hosts and other listeners, click http://gncasts.com/signup. They are both absolutely, 100% free of charge!

Thursday Dec 21, 2017
ET University course and Agents of Shield in space - Alien Invasion #232
Thursday Dec 21, 2017
Thursday Dec 21, 2017
On this episode of The Alien Invasion podcast, a look at Britain's alien invasion plans and where you can study for an alien invasion. Dave and Brad will have a sighting, along with their picks and warnings too!
What classic Christmas movie or special do you think aliens would enjoy the most?
Nick Pope believes the threat of an alien invasion is serious enough that he has created a war plan which reflects how the British government would likely respond to an extraterrestrial attack. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/5096551/mod-ufo-investigator-aliens/
Akdeniz University in Turkey is now offering a course called “Ufology and Exopolitics.” Its aim is to get students ready to give a proper welcome to visitors from space. http://www.odditycentral.com/news/turkish-university-course-to-prepare-students-for-alien-encounters.html
Newmarket, Ontario man claims to have spotted UFO at Oshawa Harbour https://www.durhamregion.com/news-story/6760371-newmarket-man-claims-to-have-spotted-ufo-at-oshawa-harbour/
Agents of Shield “Orientation” http://amzn.to/2BXz3YW
Portal to the Unknown “Lights in the Sky” https://g.co/kgs/QpU1WE
Leave us feedback by calling our voicemail number at (805) 328-3966 or e-mail aliens@gncasts.com
Subscribe to this podcast by clicking HERE
More episodes can be found at THIS link
Please consider becoming a partner with us by going to http://gncasts.com/support
Opening theme - Alien Syndrome by Monkey Warhol https://soundcloud.com/monkeywarhol/alien-syndrome
Closing theme - Be Water by Rettward von Doernberg https://thecaravel.net
Disclaimer audio recorded by Ben Olson - http://www.benolson.com/

Tuesday Dec 19, 2017
ElseNerds Special: Disney Buys Fox
Tuesday Dec 19, 2017
Tuesday Dec 19, 2017
Gregor talks about the Aquisition of 20th Century Fox by The Walt Disney Company.
Main Info on the Deal
Marvel Knights Idea
BOOM! Studios implications
infographic of where marvel properties are owned.
Thanks for listening.
Follow Gregor @ThatGregor
Follow Darryl @UKGnome

Monday Dec 18, 2017
Gore Gore Girls - PoT #111 (W/ Mark Krawczyk)
Monday Dec 18, 2017
Monday Dec 18, 2017
Go check out what Mark does, specialmarkproductions.com. Seriously...I doubt anyone even reads this description so the time and effort to write shows notes is a waste of time.

Monday Dec 11, 2017
ElseNerds #73: When to put a Ring on it
Monday Dec 11, 2017
Monday Dec 11, 2017
ElseNews Week of December 3rd 2017:
Sabrina The Teenage Witch Series Picked Up By Netflix With 2-Season Order
‘Captain Marvel’: Jude Law Lands Male Lead Opposite Brie Larson
Joss Whedon is still directing Batgirl, sources say
Murder on the Orient Express' Sequel in the Works
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2
Stranger Things Season 2
Comcast-Fox Deal Talks Latest Entry Into Media Merger Mania
Disney Is Said to Have Resumed Talks to Buy Parts of Fox
Please participate in our survey to make the show better
Subscribe to this podcast at http://gncasts.com/subscribe-to-elsenerds-show
More episodes can be found at http://gncasts.com/category/elsenerds-show
Please consider helping us pay for our monthly operating costs by visiting http://gncasts.com/support/. It will take you to the support page which has links to our Patreon campaign, where you can make a recurring monthly pledge. You'll also find our affiliate link to use the next time you shop on Amazon, which gives us a small percentage from the sale of everything that you buy.
If you would like to sign up for the Galactic Network monthly newsletter and join the our Slack Team, to chat with hosts and other listeners, http://gncasts.com/signup/. They are both absolutely, 100% free of charge!
Follow the show on Twitter @elsenerds or follow the network @galacticnetcast
Our producers @beatmaster80 and @mr_fusion
Music Released under Creative Commons for Noncommercial, Non Derivative Works with Attribution

Monday Dec 11, 2017
Black Christmas (1974) - PoT #110 (W/ Anthony Raus)
Monday Dec 11, 2017
Monday Dec 11, 2017
Black Christmas
The man behind Company, Health Nut, and a number of other films, Anthony Raus, is back to talk about the original Black Christmas from 1974. Anthony is currently working on, among a number of other things, Silent Life. Check out all of his work at CinemaScape Studios.
In normal PoT fashion we get right off the rails, talking about anything and everything. Podcast of Therapy returns as Matt and Corey discuss picking up towels and pulling hair out of drains.
Next week, host of the The Spoiler Room and The Final Cut, Mark Krawczyk will be returning to discuss another 70's horror classic Gore Gore Girls. If you haven't seen it yet and would like to watch it before next week while supporting our show, please follow this link HERE to get the movie from Amazon. We get a kick back and it keeps this podcast free for you! If you are planning to do some last minute Christmas shopping, please use our Amazon Affiliate link http://amazon.podcastofterror.com shop like normal, we get a cut of your order and it costs you absolutely nothing!

Monday Dec 04, 2017
Monster Squad - PoT #109 (W/ Erika from The Apex and The Abyss)
Monday Dec 04, 2017
Monday Dec 04, 2017
Monster Squad
Our friend Erika from the amazing podcast, The Apex and The Abyss, is back to finally discuss the 80's horror/comedy/drama Monster Squad. In addition Erika spends the majority of her time on the show making sure that Matt's feelings are crushed with hurtful words. If you are a fan of true crime and looking for a new show, we highly recommend giving The Apex and The Abyss a listen!(https://www.apexandabyss.com/)
Next week we see the return of film maker Anthony Raus (http://www.anthonyraus.com/) to discuss the 1974 version of Black Christmas. If you are interested in listening to us talk about the 2006 remake, check out episode #19! Anthony is the mind behind a number of films and shorts including, Company, The Audition and Health Nut.

Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
ElseNerds #72: O Fans Where Art Thou?
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
ElseNews Week of November 19th 2017:
‘Harley Quinn’: DC Digital Service Orders Animated Series About Comic Book Villainess From ‘Powerless’ Trio
Bendis Moving Jinxworld Titles From Marvel To A New Publisher
Bendis Has Chosen Next Jessica Jones Writer (And It's A Woman)
Marvel Entertainment Names New Editor in Chief
NXT Wargames
Punisher (First 3 Episodes)
WWE Survivor Series
JLA Box Office Doomsday?
Opening Weekends of Comic Book Adaptations
Movie Opening Weekend/Domestic Total
Man of Steel $116,619,362/$291,045,518
Batman v Superman $166,007,347/$330,360,194
Suicide Squad $133,682,248/$325,100,054
Wonder Woman $103,251,471/$412,563,408
Justice League $93,842,239
Others in 2017
Logan $88,411,916/$226,277,068
Guardians Vol. 2 $146,510,104/$389,813,101
S-M: Homecoming $117,027,503/$334,166,825
Thor: Ragnarok $122,744,989
Others Pre 2017
The Avengers $207,438,708/$623,357,910
Deadpool $132,434,639/$363,070,709
Iron Man $98,618,668/$318,412,101
Please participate in our survey to make the show better
Subscribe to this podcast at http://gncasts.com/subscribe-to-elsenerds-show
More episodes can be found at http://gncasts.com/category/elsenerds-show
Please consider helping us pay for our monthly operating costs by visiting http://gncasts.com/support/. It will take you to the support page which has links to our Patreon campaign, where you can make a recurring monthly pledge. You'll also find our affiliate link to use the next time you shop on Amazon, which gives us a small percentage from the sale of everything that you buy.
If you would like to sign up for the Galactic Network monthly newsletter and join the our Slack Team, to chat with hosts and other listeners, http://gncasts.com/signup/. They are both absolutely, 100% free of charge!
Follow the show on Twitter @elsenerds or follow the network @galacticnetcast
Our producers @beatmaster80 and @mr_fusion
Music Released under Creative Commons for Noncommercial, Non Derivative Works with Attribution